The Masonry team are SCA members with technical expertise who volunteer some of their spare time to keep Lochac technical services running.
The Masonry team are also honoured to be among the Order of the Pride of Lochac.
Masonry Deputy
Brían dorcha ua Conaill
This following lists are in no particular order. Any errors or omissions should be reported to the Masonry Team.
System Administrators
Ælfred se leof
Brían dorcha ua Conaill
Nicodemus Novello
New Zealand
William De Cameron
Llwellyn ap Daffyd
Ælfred se leof
Aeron Lasair
Bartholomew Baskin
Edmund Kerr
Karl Faustus von Aachen
Nicodemus Novello
Obbi illugi
Design, Documentation, Testing & Support
Adrienne Furet
Aveline Goupil
Bartholomew Baskin
Nicodemus Novello
WordPress Administrators
Sorle Maknicoll
Karl Faustus von Aachen
Discord Administrators
Amos Ironbeard
Bethan Daniels of Brockwood
Andrew Daniels of Brockwood
Drake Morgan
Etain ingen Choilien
Past Members
Diego Escobar
Madog Llwyd ap Madog
Johannes Kurz
William de Wyke
Delbert von Staßburg
Raoul of Buzz
Felicia ad Aquam